
Through the Valley of the Shadow

Psalms 23 has always been my comfort when I needed respite from the hardships of life and chronic illness. My mother used to read that Bible passage to me as a child, and now it has become a cornerstone of my faith. Today, I find myself in the valley of…

Grieving Loss in a Year of Change and MS

Dealing with bundled change,Ā loss, and multiple sclerosis (MS) has turned out to be more of a challenge than I could have Ā imagined, and I have not been very good at it. Coming to terms with the loss of a loved one is overwhelming on its…

Facing the Reality of the Holiday Season

The holiday bustle has begun. As Thanksgiving approaches, I ponder the season and a lump forms in my throat. I am grateful to be here and for the blessings of family and friends. But my heart aches with grief for those loved ones who are no longer with me.

I Climb Through Grief from the Bottom Up

It has been a while since Iā€™ve written a column. Within one month, two of my relatives have passed away. Spiritually, I believe in eternal life. However, in my earthly existence, death has left its sting. Multiple deaths, physical pain, and disappointments have catapulted me into a cycle of…

Still, I Am Grateful and Giving Thanks

I canā€™t believe Thanksgiving is only a few days away. Time truly passes quickly. The holidays are bittersweet for me; I experience both joy and unrest. I believe there are others who can relate. The holiday season can be stressful and I always try to pace myself. In…

Lessons Learned from Loss: A Tribute

Why me? Why us? What have I done? How much loss can I endure? Weā€™ve all been here. This was one of my weeks. The unexpected death of my nephew hurled me into this episodic gloom. I asked ā€œWhat else is going to happen? Is life trying to…

Living with Uncertainty is an MS Superpower

Recent weeks have been filled with enough political drama to last a lifetime.Ā Wherever I go virtually (and now, even in “real life”), ideological division has been amplified to the extreme. Except …Ā when I go to the multiple sclerosis online forum I co-administrate. Meet the people in my neighborhood The…

Grief, Self-preservation and Multiple Sclerosis

Grief can weaken our immune system, elevate our blood pressure, and affect our overall health. During a loss, especially one ofĀ the magnitude of a loved one, self-preservation is not always a top priority. For those of us with multiple sclerosis, the mental anguish that isĀ grief can exacerbate our already…

Surviving the Holiday Blues Requires Conscious Effort

We are officially entering into the holiday season. Thanksgiving is almost here and Christmas will follow. The stores are filled with decorations. Holiday sales are advertised and children are excitedly preparing their Christmas lists. In addition, we will receive, and may even send the proverbial ā€œHappy Holidaysā€ greeting cards.