#ACTRIMS2018 – Clene Nanomedicine Presents Positive Results for MS Remyelinating Therapy

Clene Nanomedicine says its pre-clinical studies demonstrate the remyelination effects of CNM-Au8, supporting its potential to treat multiple sclerosis (MS) and other demyelinating disorders. Clene presented its data in a session, “Nanocrystalline Gold As a Novel Remyelination Therapeutic for Multiple Sclerosis,” that took place at the third annual Americas…

GSK Researchers Identify Potential Target for Therapeutics to Promote MS Remyelination

Researchers at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) have identified the histamine receptor 3 (H3R) as a potential new therapeutic target for promoting remyelination in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Their study “Histamine Receptor 3 negatively regulates oligodendrocyte differentiation and remyelination,” appeared in the journal PLOS One. Regrowth of myelin is known as…

Targeting Blood-clotting Protein Can Restore Brain’s Potential to Repair Myelin Layer, Study Shows

A blood-clotting protein called fibrinogen prevents myelin production and blocks the neuron remyelination repair process in mice, a study finds. The study, “Fibrinogen Activates BMP Signaling in Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells and Inhibits Remyelination after Vascular Damage,” appeared in the journal Neuron. Its conclusions offer new insights and…

#MSParis2017 – GNbAC1 Promotes Restoration of Protective Myelin Coating, Phase 2b Trial Shows

GeNeuro‘s humanized antibody GNbAC1 promotes the rejuvenation of the myelin coating that protects nerve cells in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, or RRMS, a Phase 2 clinical trial shows. The treatment is also safe, the study showed. Dr. Hans-Peter Hartung of the Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf in Germany presented the results at the 7th…

When You Read About MS Treatments, Read Past the Headline

There’s been some internet buzz recently about the possibility of an over-the-counter allergy drug that helps to repair the myelin that MS damages. The drug is clemastine fumarate, and I suspect that some of that buzz may have been generated by headlines found on Twitter and…

CHANGE-MS Phase 2 Study Fully Enrolled Early, Results Due in Fall

GeNeuro recently announced that it has finished enrolling multiple sclerosis (MS) patients in the CHANGE-MS Phase 2b  study — several months ahead of schedule. The company now expects to report topline results in mid- to late autumn rather than at year’s end. “Completing enrollment in CHANGE-MS several months sooner than previously anticipated…

Top 10 Multiple Sclerosis Articles of 2016

A number of important discoveries, therapeutic developments, and events related to multiple sclerosis (MS) were reported daily by Multiple Sclerosis News Today throughout 2016. Now that the year is over, it is time to briefly review the articles that appealed most to our readers. Here are the top 10 most-read articles of 2016, with…

Myelin Regeneration Achieved in Mouse Model of MS

Therapies aimed at regenerating the myelin sheath can work to restore proper brain activity and may be a viable way of treating multiple sclerosis (MS), according to researchers at the University of California San Francisco. In the study, “Accelerated Remyelination During Inflammatory Demyelination Prevents Axonal Loss And Improves Functional Recovery,” published…

Phase 2 Study of Oral Antibiotic to Treat Relapsing MS, RHB-104, Nearing Finish

RedHill Biopharma announced that the final patient has completed the last step of its Phase 2 clinical study (CEASE-MS) of RHB-104 as a potential treatment for people with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). RHB-104 is an antibiotic oral medication that blocks inflammation in addition to killing bacteria. RHB-104 was originally developed as a treatment for…

Fluorosamine Seen to Boost Remyelination in MS Mouse Model by Blocking Scarring Molecules

A substance called fluorosamine was seen to boost remyelination in mice by preventing the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans and by promoting oligodendrocyte function. The findings showed that targeting molecules that block remyelination may be a promising therapeutic approach in multiple sclerosis (MS). Upregulation of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans — large molecules…

Antihistamine Aids in Reversing Visual Damage in MS Patients, Appears to Have Remyelination Properties, AAN Presentation Reports

A Phase 2 clinical trial testing the efficacy of a common antihistamine, clemastine fumarate, to treat optic nerve damage in people with multiple sclerosis (MS) found the drug able to slightly reverse damage to their visual system. The  study, conducted by researchers at the Multiple Sclerosis Center at the University of California San…