
Free Your Fascia!

One of the most frustrating aspects of my MS is a frequent feeling of tightness and pain. The sensations may be in my arms, legs, or even in the trunk of my body in the form of the “MS hug.” Gabapentin helps to keep the pain…

Monkey See, Monkey Do: Helping Hands for People with MS

I was just monkeying around while on vacation a few weeks ago, amazed that the animals jumping between my wife and myself were actually listening to the commands of their owner. I knew that chimps and apes were smart, but seeing monkeys respond to commands was new to me.

The Greatest Gifts

Christmas is just around the corner, and thatā€™s why many people are on the fruitless quest for Fingerlings or hocking an organ to buy the new iPhone. Both might be the ā€œhotā€ presents of the season, but neither of them holds a candle to the great gifts we…

On the Road

It’s 4 a.m. and, unsurprisingly, I’m laying flat on my back. Yesterday, I had a whale of a time and now I feel like a beached one. I’m not in my own bed because I’m staying in a tres jolie bed-and-breakfast in Northern France. The trouble is the bed…

Using Biotin? It Could Impact Your Lab Results

Be careful if you’re using high-dose biotin (vitamin B7). The biotin in your blood could lead to some false readings when you have that blood tested. The level of concern about this is high enough to warrant aĀ warning from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. High doses of biotin…

Energy Efficiency and MS

I am tired, like beyond tired. I make tired look scintillating, and as funny as that sounds, it is anything but when trying to live your life. My spoons are numbered, and by midday, I am usually through all of them. Before you deem me crazy, I am referencing…

Poetic Justice to be a Party Pooper

In my angst-ridden teen years, I wrote poetry. It was truly dreadful and should have disappeared in the wash of personal history. Luckily, it was the mid-’70s, and in those pre-internet days, it was committed only in pen to scrappy paper rather than as a confessional to the…

What I Learned About My MS While on Vacation

You wouldn’t think that a guy who was diagnosed with MS more than 37 years ago would still be able to learn a thing or two about his disease. But that’s exactly what I did while on vacation about a week ago. I guess I really did know…

Finding Peace During the Holidays

The Christmas season is upon us ā€” decorations, shopping, and get-togethers dominate the month of December. If you tune into the Hallmark channel you will see this season as synonymous with love, laughter, and an abundance of cheer. With joy the prevailing theme it can be difficult to experience…

Advances in MRI Readings

My neurologist orders an annual MRI to see if any major changes have occurred, and last year my imaging included NeuroQuant software. NeuroQuant is still relatively unknown in the multiple sclerosis patient community. It is a measuring software that gives us real numbers we can comprehend instead of subjective…

6 Tips to Enjoy This Merry Month of December

Whenever I turn the pages of my wall calendar to December, I look at the word itself ā€• DECEMBER ā€• and my heart fills with joy. And admittedly a little dread. Joy, because my husband and son have birthdays a week apart, itā€™s…

Social Media’s World of MS Misinformation

I’m worried about social media. Specifically, I’m worried about the many MS-related groups in the Facebook world. There are general MS groups and there are groups dedicated to specific MS treatments. I belong to several, and though there’s a great deal of useful information in these groups, there’s…

Bryan Bickell: 365 Days with MS and Still Fighting

Editor’s Note: Bryan Bickell, a second-round National Hockey League draft for the Chicago Blackhawks in 2004, played his last NHL game as a forward with the Carolina Hurricanes in April 2017, some five months after being diagnosed with relapsing multiple sclerosis. Bickell played on the Blackhawks’ Stanley Cup-winning teams in…

Holding ‘Space’ for Others

  When a friend or loved one is going through a tough time, itā€™s hard to know how best to help. Do you help carry the burden? Would it be better to offer support from a distance and give the person space? Life can be hard and awkward and…

What Keeps Me Going ā€” and Smiling

Shooting the breeze after work has been part of my professional life for 27 years. We’re all winding down, yes, but I’m actually still working. New ideas, niggles, gossip are thrown together over drinks. True, many of the younger generation’s beverages these days are non-alcoholic, so they tend not…

A Wheelchair that Drives Itself

I never thought I’d find a subject for this MS column in the technology magazine Wired. But, what do you know? A recent article suggested that the same technology being used to create self-driving cars could (and should) be used to create self-driving wheelchairs. Artist and…

Exercise and Benefits of an Online Personal Trainer

  We all have heard that physical activity is important for maintaining health, strength and well-being. It may be even more important for people with MS. Exercise has been shown toĀ improve balance, strengthenĀ brain connections, improve sleep,Ā reduce pain,Ā help…

She Has MS and She Just Hiked 500 Miles

Well, 460.75 miles (741.5 km), to be exact. When I wrote about April Hester in late September, the headline on my column was “She Has MS and She’s Planning to Hike 500 Miles.” Well, she did it, hiking the Palmetto Trail from Walhalla, in the South…

Still, I Am Grateful and Giving Thanks

I canā€™t believe Thanksgiving is only a few days away. Time truly passes quickly. The holidays are bittersweet for me; I experience both joy and unrest. I believe there are others who can relate. The holiday season can be stressful and I always try to pace myself. In…