
One Day at a Time

I was going to write about something else, then my MS got in the way. Intellectually, I know MS is very up-and-down, but often when the down hits, I think the worst has happened. I went to my exercise class this week and struggled. Got home and recovered.

She Has MS and She’s Planning to Hike 500 Miles

April Hester has MS. She was diagnosed in 1996, just after she turned 20 years old. Like many of us, April has balance and fatigue issues. Her legs can become tired, her foot sometimes drops and she falls a lot. But unlike many of us, April and her…

Being a Caregiver with MS

I pride myself on never lending power to my limitations, but when I became the primary caretaker for my husband after he underwent hip replacement surgery, my limitations were reached. Ten days later, I am slowly emerging as a somewhat functioning individual. As with most challenges, I tend…

A Look Inside MS Marketplace Projections

Do you ever stop and ponder the value of MS drugs? Iā€™m not talking about if they work and the ways they improve our lives. Iā€™m thinking of the COST of them and what their pricing means to investors. I get several market analysis reports on the pharmaceutical industry,…

New Video Series Aims to Lift the MS Community

When youā€™re living with multiple sclerosis, itā€™s important to surround yourself with a community of people who give you the kind of support and understanding you need. When I was diagnosed in 1986, there was no internet to help me find a community,…

Test-Walking the New Bioness L300 Go

I’ve been using a Bioness L300 for just over five years to counter my foot drop. Without the L300 strapped to my left leg, itā€™s difficult for me to walk more than 25 or 30 steps, even with two canes. The L300 is a functional electronic…

Calming the Cranky Beast That’s Irritability

Irritability can strikeĀ anyone at anytime, and pain, illness, depression ā€” or just having a bad day ā€” can all lead to feelings of anxiety and irritability. To those of us with multiple sclerosis (MS), being irritable can come from all of those causes, plus a whole lot more.

MS and Retirement

And so the good news is that if you have MS, then you can get an enhanced annuity in the United Kingdom. That is a higher payment for the rest of your life than if you were well. That’s because our illness may reduce life expectancy. A recent survey…

It’s Time to Speak Up to Guard Your Healthcare Benefits

Have you heard of a healthcare “reform” proposal in the U.S. Senate called “Graham-Cassidy?” If not, take heed because Graham-Cassidy is a last-ditch effort by Republicans on Capitol Hill, led by Senators Lindsay Graham (SC), Bill Cassidy (LA), Dean Heller (NV), and Ron Johnson (WI), to limit healthcare…

Sensory Overload Occurring: Please, Do Not Disturb!

The past two weekends found me venturing off on my own for some mini-road trips. Two weeks ago, I volunteered at Bike MS a hundred miles away from my house. I interacted with others during the day and then returned alone and happy to a quiet, peaceful hotel room.

Data Differences: Better Records, Better Care

ā€œIā€™m sorry, these files take forever to copy,ā€ the woman at the registration desk says, breaking the silence that had settled between us while she uploaded MRI scans from the CD I gave her moments earlier. ā€œI know it can be a…

Winning with Deuces

This is a story about sports. It’s not really about MS, it’s about playing football. But, then again, it is about MS. Stick with me and you’ll see. The story is about a young man named Jake Olson. Olson is a student at the University of Southern California,…

MS Patients Deserve the Best Care

As patients, weĀ deserve the best care for our MSĀ and we should accept nothing less. I have had many years of difficulty trying to find adequate MSĀ care since my diagnosis in 2010. I have gone from neurologist to neurologist, even before I knew my symptoms pointed to MS. My…

This Too Shall Pass

I posted this meme on social media last weekĀ with the caption ā€œCurrent Life Status,ā€ hoping a laugh might help matters. Iā€™m sorry to say things didn’tĀ improve afterward. Iā€™m not a Debbie Downer or a Sad Sack by nature, and I donā€™t often write about my struggles here…

MS and Incontinence

Another of those things I was never warned about. Maybe if I’d been assigned a local MS nurse at the beginning of my diagnosis, then eruptions out of my pants could have been averted instead of finding out the wet way. I only discovered my local MS nurse…

My Lemtrada Journey: At 9 Months, a Cane Tells a Tale

Back in May, when I updated everyone about my Lemtrada treatment at six months post-infusion, I began with a question my wife asked: “Do you think you’re walking better?” And, I thought IĀ was. Maybe. Just a little. I was walking a bit more smoothly, my left foot…

Choosing Happiness

I find it funny when people ask how and why I am so positive and happy. Am I supposed to be sad and negative just because I have multiple sclerosis? There are certainly days when the pain and/or side effects get me down, but gratefully, these are exceptions…

Thereā€™s an App (Maybe Too Many) for That!

How many hours do the pharmaceutical companies think we have in our day? I ask because almost all of them have come up with very slick tools to use, particularly mobile apps, to help us improve our daily lives with MS. Not coincidentally, these apps also provide their…

Walking the Dog, an Adventure Story

It’s 7 in the morning, and it’s raining cats and dogs. I need to walk our dog and the thought of it is not very appealing. We live in a condo, so this activity requires getting dressed, squatting down to feed Joey, squatting again to get him hooked…

My Thoughts on Being a Grandparent with a Disability

I had always envisioned that I would be an active and healthy grandparent when the time came ā€” not one with a disability. I was diagnosed with primary progressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS) in the summer of 2010, which also happened to be the same year my first grandchild…

Disjointed: Living the New Netflix Sitcom

I was going to write about something else this week and then … I got STONED! Those aren’t words I thought I’d ever write. I’d been a kid during the 1960s, but later on had duly done my literary homage by mainlining Jack Kerouac (yes, I know that…

When Do MS Symptoms Become a Relapse?

Am I having an MS relapse? I saw that question asked the other day on one of the social sites I follow. At first, I thought, “Gee, doesn’t everyone with MS know when they’re having a relapse?” Then I realized thatĀ for several years after I was diagnosed, I…

Enjoy the Journey While Traveling with MS

I have always had the travel bug, and I’ve been to a myriad of countries and cities around the world. From far-away foreign cities to exotic beach locales, I find great pleasure in refining my cultural literacy. That refinement took a back seat after my diagnosis and subsequent…